Talking about sex can be challenging for many people, and talking about sexual health issues can be even harder. Bedroom issues such as sexual performance and other sexual problems may go beyond the limit of what you would ordinarily discuss with your health care provider.
This is where Sex therapy come in. A Sex therapist is a qualified counselor, psychotherapist or healthcare professional who has done extra training and has been certified in helping people with problems relating to sex. Sex therapy focuses specifically on human sexuality and healthy sexual behavior, as well as offering compassionate, research-based assistance in resolving the full range of related psychological, social and cultural factors in play.
Sex therapy is a form of talk therapy intended to help individuals and couples in resolving issues such as psychological, personal or interpersonal factors that influence sexual functioning and pleasure.
Through sex therapy, issues about sexual function, sexual desires, and intimacy may be addressed either in individual or couple therapy. Sex therapy is relevant to individuals of any age, gender, marital status or sexual orientation.
The goal of sex therapy is to help people move past psychological and emotional barriers to an enjoyable intimate relationship and pleasurable sex life.
Sexual dysfunction is common and quite a lot of people experience it. These dysfunctions may include; erectile dysfunction, low libido, lack of response to sexual stimulus, inability to reach orgasm etc.
A fulfilling sex life is healthy and natural. Physical and emotional intimacy are essential parts of your well-being. When sexual dysfunction occurs, having a fulfilling sex life can be difficult. Sex therapy helps you work towards overcoming sexual challenges and increasing your sexual satisfaction.
Sex therapy also helps individuals and couples who are sexually functional enjoy much better Sex. Sex therapy is not limited to resolution of Sexual dysfunction
How does sex therapy work?
Sex therapy is similar to any type of psychotherapy, so it is talk based. You work through the issues by talking to a sex therapist about your experiences, worries, and feelings. You will also work out coping mechanism with your sex therapist to help improve your responses in the future so you can have a healthier sex life. Sex therapy may also involve some home work exercises to be done outside therapy, so you should be ready for the possibility of that.
Sex therapy also involves sex counseling and pscho-sexual education to help you understand your situaion better and also help you deal with underlying issues that may negatively affect your Sex life.
During your initial appointments, your therapist will either talk with just you or with you and your partner (if you have one) together. The sex therapist is there to guide and help you in the process of resolving your sexual challenge. Sex therapy DOES NOT INVOLVE ANY FORM OF NUDITY. If you require medical evaluation or intervention, the Sex therapist will recommend that you see your health care provider. Sex therapy DOES NOT INVOLVE Medical intervention, medication prescription or Physical evaluation. Also, you NEVER GET TO HAVE SEX in Sex therapy.
To talk to a Sex Therapist today, Click HERE to book a session with me.
If your goal is to learn skills to enjoy Great Sex, click HERE to see our different Sex Courses in the University of Sex.