female orgasm


There are so many misconceptions about the orgasm that most people get hung up on. 
Let’s debunk a few of them now.

MYTH: Sex without orgasm is incomplete.

TRUTH: Orgasms feel great but they shouldn’t be the singular goal of Sex. Compulsively pursuing orgasms can make Sex so performance driven that it diminishes pleasure. Focus on pleasure and when you have orgasms, enjoy them too.

MYTH: All orgasms are powerfully intense.

TRUTH: Orgasms can happen with variable intensity at different times. Orgasms can sometimes be mind-numbing, while at other times, they might feel gentler, like a ripple going through your body.

MYTH: All women must orgasm via penetration.

TRUTH: Most Women require Clitoral stimulation to orgasm and this is 100% normal. Enjoy how your body receives pleasure and don’t be hung up about orgasming from penetration. And if you really want to explore orgasms during penetration, a simple way is to add clitoral stimulation during intercourse.

MYTH: Couples should orgasm at the same time.

TRUTH: Couples are free to orgasm whenever it happens. We know it feels great when you orgasm together but reaching orgasm at different times doesn’t make Sex any less pleasurable. There’s no rule that says you must orgasm together. 

MYTH: If my partner doesn’t orgasm, it means they did not enjoy the Sex.

TRUTH: Your partner can enjoy Sex and still not orgasm on occasion. It happens and it’s really not something to make an issue out of. A Sex session can be highly satisfying but you find that an orgasm isn’t happening at the time. Enjoy the pleasure, don’t get hung up on it, there will be many more orgasms to enjoy. Not having an orgasm does not mean the sex was bad. As a matter of fact, some people are able to orgasm even when they have bad sex by using mental stimulation. So you see, orgasms may not even be real proof that the Sex was great.

What other orgasm myths can you mention?


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